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    Principal Message

    Whole heartedly welcome you all to this institution where perseverance meets hard work. The torch of excellence of this esteemed college of Education, where hundreds of teacher-trainees aspire to be great teachers, is burning bright with the alumni that it has produced over the years. The progress of any teaching institution depends upon how the management takes care of its members, be it the principal, teachers, non teaching staff or the students. The management of John Paul Memorial Training College is one of those rare pioneers whose unsolicited support helps in the faster growth of its members.

    The dream and vision of, Aluva got fulfilled through the inauguration of B.Ed. College in 2018. The motto, vision and mission of the college goes in tandem with the dream. The motto “Lighted to Enlighten” is a symbolic one which tells what is being done here and what a JPM student is expected to do. The Vision of the college ‘To be a locally relevant and globally acclaimed centre of holistic education; moulding the children of a largely marginalized region into self- reliant, responsible, morally upright, and socially committed citizens’ reflects what the college is all about. The mission can be summarized as to provide quality and comprehensive education to the weaker minority of the land locked region with a view to promote innovative, ethically patriotic, emotionally matured and socially committed, God fearing individuals.

    The college with a sumptuous building with exclusive library facilities, well furnished computer labs, faculty rooms and lecture halls can claim uniqueness. We have a committed group of faculty members and administrative staff. Hence, we never compromise on the quality of education provided and the results support the claim. When the time demands multi tasking, the teachers of the institutions are equipped to meet the need. Our teaching methods meet the NEP 2020 need which calls to focuses on providing accessible, inclusive and equitable education. Our classrooms reflect the inclusive and equitable approach which is related to what is taught and goes hand in hand with different aspects of student teacher experience.

    The College is on its way to scale greater heights in the field of education. I welcome you all to be part of this growth and thereby upgrade your education to the next level. Peace be to all.

    Wishing you all the very best

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